Sunday, May 3, 2009

Some good friends, a good lunch

Some good friends who now live far away showed up unexpectedly today and we all went out for lunch after church. Mmmmmm, Mexican food! I didn't even attempt to eat healthy, but I did find that I was able to stop eating when the plate still had about half the food on it. AND, I saw one of the girls in our little "Pray 'n Weigh" contest at the same restaurant, so I'm curious to see what she had for lunch! The other woman at my table, Christy, also has a blog about eating and you have to read it - she is HILARIOUS. To visit her blog, click here: She ordered a taco salad, but of course it was like 85% meat and cheese, and 15% lettuce. So much for a nice, healthy salad!

Interestingly, I felt like nothing new had happened since they moved away several months ago. I felt kind of boring, actually. Although it was much harder to relax and enjoy a nice conversation because I had my two kids with me, and they were fighting and being goofy, as always. *Sigh* I do love my children, but it really can be hard when they're at each other's throats all day long.

But now I'm off track... I was talking about the Mexican food ... I did save quite a bit, most of which I just sat down and ate. Covered in hot sauce, of course! Now I'm ready for a nap, but I really should be cleaning up around the house. I really think if I could just focus on some housework instead of wishing for a nap I would feel so much better - you know, start the week off right. But no, instead I'm considering taking some Motrin for cramps and lying down for a nap. Gotta love it when hormones come into play! :) Maybe tomorrow I'll spring into action with more energy and better resolve!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Thanks for the plug! Did you not see how I was dominating the conversation by asking you all the questions? That was because I didn't want to let you know how boring we were! :) It was such a nice lunch, and your kids were fine! Need I remind you what I work with every day? :) Keep up the good bloggin' as you are my MOTOVAYSHUN.
