Sunday, May 10, 2009

Phone Rage

So this post has nothing to do with eating healthy, but I feel compelled to get this off my chest, so here goes. This morning I was talking with Little Mrs. Domestic about how
insane I get when I can't hear someone on the phone. Just a few hours later I had a very frustrating conversation with someone an their cell phone and I got so mad I just about threw my phone out the window. Seriously, I get so incensed it's worse than road rage. It happens most frequently with my hubby, C-man. We have direct connect phones, so we bleepy each other when we need to talk, and the signal is not always great. So sometimes his voice comes out sounding something like R2D2 and I can't understand a word of it. Intellectually I know this is not his fault. I know he's not even aware his voice is so garbled, and I can't even break in to tell him, because on the direct connect, when one party is talking, the other cannot. So instead of laughing it off and waiting patiently for him to finish, I get FURIOUS, OUTRAGED, and act like a total idiot. Usually in front of my kids. Nice, eh? Also maddening for me is when I try to call him and I have a signal but he doesn't. Again, not his fault. But still, I think if I were dumb enough to carry a gun I might end up shooting my phone. This would get expensive, plus I most likely would end up blowing my foot off, so the gun option is out of the question. What I usually end up doing is freaking out for a minute, then I realize how stupid I sound, and calm down. If only I were a drinker I'd probably down a shot of something before hitting the redial button.

So why, if I know I do it and I know it's idiotic, why do I allow myself to get so irritated? I just don't know. And I continue to use my cell phone, too. Mark my words, if (God forbid) I ever have a heart attack, I will be found with my cell phone clutched in my hand. The bad reception will put me over the edge. Of course if I can just continue on with the healthy foods, I may not be a prime candidate for a heart attack, so perhaps that can be my motivation. I am having grilled chicken for my Mother's Day dinner tonight. It's been marinating all afternoon. I'm also marinating some awesome vegetable kabobs and I can't wait to sit down and enjoy it all. Maybe I'll shut off my cell phone...

1 comment:

  1. Are you on nextel or I guess it's sprint now? We used to do the bleepydableep thing but the never having service and issues drove us crazy so we finally switched. We have been on at&t ever since and hardly ever have problems or feel the need to throw our phone or shoot it. Well maybe I don't but sometimes hubbie still does everyonce in awhile. :)
